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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 28, 2019 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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to preserve and protect them. with love, california. welcome to thursday morning. this is the latest, tracking rain. we'll have a look at the forecast and when the clearing will be coming. we'll look forward to that, won't we? good morning to you. thank you for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. let's talk about the weather, the last part of the storm. >> this the last little bit. once it moves through, we've got about 24 hours of this rain that will be very spotty before we dry out in time forth weekend. as we take a look at storm ranger, mobile radar, we can see heavier rain moving through parts of the solano county and
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also through southern naapa county as well. where it is bright red that indicates heavy rain. it is really pouring in those areas. also raining on the bay bridge, richmond san rafael bridge. we're also seeing rain moving across parts of the peninsula. i'm tracking all this. >> so far the speed sensors look already. i am concerned over here, that's the dublin area eastbound getting away from the dublin interchange. look how very light the traffic flow is. despite that, somewhere behind that sign, there's a crash. the car went off the roadway. i'm watching for slowing but i don't see any eastbound away from the bridge. westbound is your commute, a smooth flow of traffic, minor slowing out of the altamont, which is typical. that rain doesn't show slowing. speed sensors are traveling through the area. be aware bay bridge and san rafael conditions, use your
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wipers. 4:31. this morning a 4-year-old boy who got ahold of a gun and shot himself in the head is in critical condition. now his aunt is speaking out saying the preschooler needs a miracle. >> "today in the bay" bob redell live for us. bob, what are police saying actually happened here. >> reporter: marcus and laura garcia, she's asking for people to pray for her nephew. so fines no signs of recovery. >> he's 4 years old. he's a baby. babies. these babies are dying. they are babies. these are babies. >> 4-year-old jackson was rushed to oakland children's yesterday afternoon when he was found with a gunshot wound to his head inside this home on richie street in east oakland.
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his great-aunt told us he found an unlocked gun underneath a bed and accidentally shot himself. two people were at home at the time, the man renting the house, and a one believed to be his mother. his great-aunt says her great nephew needs a miracle. >> they are saying if there's no brain activity in the next three days, they will be taking him off life support. we're hoping the swelling goes down and he regains brain activity. >> police have recovered that gun, and they have also questioned the man and woman inside the house at the time. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> tragic story, bob. thank you. 4:33. a bold attack. this was all caught on camera. take a look right here. you can see an 85-year-old man. he was hit as he prayed during a peaceful and silent demonstration in san francisco. the demonstrators say there were a number of incidents there with
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the same suspect. "today in the bay's" ian cole has more. >> the 23 second video begins by showing a man carrying a banner, then 85-year-old ron tries to stop him by jamming something into the bike spoke, and then this. >> old man, stay on the ground. >> reporter: saying old man, stay on the ground. >> i tried to keep him from taking it, and that was it. then he knocked me down and kicked me. >> we into with ron who didn't want to be identified. he's part of 40 days for life, a silent prayer demonstration outside of planned parenthood across the country. >> we're praying. >> ron was at the one on valencia in san francisco when the man tried to steal the banner with the 40 days for life logo. >> the violence is pretty rare. it does happen. this is the worst. >> san francisco police are investigating this as an
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assault. ron says it's the third time this man harassed or tried to steal the sign in a week. ron was bruised but outside san francisco. he thinks the suspect doesn't like their message. ron hopes he gets help. >> the sad thing is he needs therapy and there is therapy available. that would be a good thing for him to be treated for it. >> ian cole, "today in the bay." all right. happening today, a high school in solano county plans to reopen. it shut its doors after a school district says that someone made a violent threat. the district says it closed fairfield's vanden high school out of an abundance of caution. one said they spray painted his name with symbols a few weeks ago. naacp is joining the family and demanding the u.s. marshall's office step in and investigate the school. the student responsible, well,
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they have been suspended. now to a story about that legal battle over building a homeless encampment at embarcadero in san francisco. now it appears a lot of people against it. the group called safe embarcadero for all set to raise $100,000 online to hire an attorney. the mayor's office announced last month it wants to build a 200 bed navigation center on a parking lot in a dense neighborhood. a supporter says the proposed shelter is too large, and she's concerned about safety. >> there will be no drug use inside, but they allow drug users inside. where do you think they are shooting drugs. >> some neighbors who oppose the center say they aren't donating to the cause because they do not believe it can be stopped. the commission will consider the lease agreement next month. final prover of the mayor's shelter. the demonstration on tuesday.
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neighbors coming out in full force to save trees in menlo park. the group called raging grannies met to demand the city keeps seven heritage redwood trees. those are located on el camino real near the library. the trees sit on top of a building, a parking structure, with water damage there. so the city says those trees need to go. >> they are beautiful, majestic trees. they are native to the region, coastal redwoods last year alone menlo park lost 700 trees. >> despite the support, the commission voted to uproot the trees. they say removing the trees is the only way to repair the building. >> 4:37, coming up next on "today in the bay," johnson & johnson facing lawsuits, thousands of them as some people say one of the products causes health issues. the ruling from one judge on the
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matter. >> walgreens move to get into the legal marianne business. its decision to now sell cbd. i'm an ice cruncher. so i was excited about all-new colgate total. it has sensitivity relief, so i don't have to give up doing what i love. aren't we lucky. new colgate total. do more for your whole mouth. has been making folks feel right at home, with meals like homestyle country fried steak, grandma's sampler, and our signature chicken n' dumplins. so, come on home to what you love.
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come on home to cracker barrel. so, come on home to what you love. wihefty! hefty! hefty!n. hey ladies... buy hefty® ultra strong™ at a low price. dada! i wish... get hefty® ultra strong™ costs less than glad® forceflex where sold head to head.
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good morning, i'm brian sullivan at cnbc headquarters, here are big money headlines on thursday. the market is set to open maybe slightly down this morning. there is some optimism america and china are a little closer to a breakthrough on some key i want electial property issues.
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trade deal, falling. good news, mortgage rates keep going. johnson cleared by a lawsuit brought by a man in new jersey who said asbestos in his talcum powder caused mesotheliommesoth. they are faces lawsuits nationwide most around the talcum powder. if you like cbd, walgreens will sell in 15 stores across nine states. this comes a week after cvs announced a similar move. cbd is the nonpsychoactive ingredient in marijuana. people believe it helps everything from anxiety to pain although there's little formal evidence to back up those claims. >> good to see you, brian, thanks. >> a look at the last of that storm coming through. >> we are starting out dry in
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palo alto on highway 101. we are seeing rain chances going up there. as we track it on storm ranger, raining in parts of the north bay. we'll get a closer look coming up next. >> that last bit of traffic, northbound 101, traffic restored now coming up toward university. in the next several seconds they will be clear past the construction zone at willow. we'll have more activity on the peninsula coming up.
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4:44 for you right now.
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a live look right now at the san francisco trans america building there. we start off to see a few clouds there at the top of your screen. kari will have a look at the forecast coming up in just a bit. all right. speaking of weather, it certainly doesn't look like spring in the sierra. in fact, a winter storm warning is in effect for the next 30 minutes. this is video of all that area. i-80 as well. chain controls in effect on 08 and 50 as well. if you're heading that way, be >> yay, maybe we'll have a window of opportunity. >> i think this weekend, because by tomorrow that storm system winds down. we're going to have a clear weekend ahead, so enjoy all that fresh powder. here in the bay area we're starting out with mostly cloudy skies over the south bay. we've seen the rain off and on. this is a live look outside in san jose. heading over towards willow glen, we will see a mix of sun and clouds. our temperatures starting out at 48 degrees and our temperatures heading up to about 58 degrees
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as you get ready to go out for noon. san francisco once again showing that cloudy shot as you get dressed this morning. just make sure you grab the umbrella because we will see still some spotty rain today and maybe some light long sleeves. our temperatures will be on the cool side for this afternoon. here is a look where storm tracker is tracking that rain showing it mostly over solano county. we also have some of the rain moving over parts of the peninsula and east bay as we get a closer look at that rain moving through clearing napa now but moving to fairfield and vallejo. expect the rain to pour for the next several minutes. also seeing some rain on the richmond san rafael bridge and it's going to make that commute a little bit slower. down the peninsula we're also picking up on rain around wood side area, coming down at a quarter inch an hour. heavy rain over portola valley,
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will be over palo alto soon. the rain is spotty and that's what we can expect for the rest of the day. as i widen the view, a few thunderstorms well off the coach. i'm keeping a chance of thunderstorms in the forecast today. we'll have to watch out for that. as we go hour by hour, it does show our best chance of rain will be over the north bay. picking up in parts of the peninsula, east bay and possibly parts of the south bay going into later today. won't be until early tomorrow until this clears out. south bay not expecting much here. the bulk of the rain will be areas just to the north where we could see a quarter inch of rain and north bay about a half inch of rain or more. so as we check out that forecast, we are going to see a chance of storms today. by tomorrow we're all clearing out and our temperatures warm up for the weekend with inland areas below 70. looks really nice. heading over to mike, you've been tracking the move in palo
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alto. >> back-up approaching the university, turning the camera, 180 toward marsh. the construction going on but not blocking off-ramp. willow just to the north they had to clear that crew. that's why there was a traffic break. it should be clear now as rain comes in. kari talking about that. storm ranger, great doppler radar near the level of the roads. the roads themselves look green all over. that's why i put the radar in there to show you conditions are a factor of traffic. concord, slowing through diablo. there's a lot of activity, kari, showed you this up in vallejo. there was a crash interstate 80. a minor crash but watching. that rain coming down in patches. over here the richmond san rafael. wind advisory i should by chp for the bay bridge.
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not unusual but it's there, guys. back to you. >> thanks, mike. 4:48 now and a bay area man is dead following a crash in southern california. pham is in san francisco. he was on vacation. he was on the back of a lift when another driver smashed into the car. it happened early saturday morning. also in the car was his friend who was expected to be okay. investigators say the driver may have drunk. friends tell us pham was a hair stylist and owner of tangles salon in fremont. lyft apparently not giving people who use wheelchairs a lift. that's what a new class action lawsuit says. according to mercury news, disability rides association say they do not provide rides to wheelchair riders. it comes ahead of lyft's ipo which is expected to debut
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tomorrow. happening today, governor jerry brown will share issues on current impacting the state. he's set to speak to a soldout crowd at commonwealth club in san francisco. democratic presidential candidate pete buttibieg. he's currently mayor of south bend, indiana. new this morning, a popular chishs museum getting a multi-million dollar makeover. $18.5 million renovation at bay area discovery museum is sausalito. it will include several exhibits, a s.t.e.m. classroom, try it studio focusing on early math development and exhibits for toddlers. the director explains what will make them unique for museumgoers. >> what makes them unique, they will be researched back. the museum has a research center. the research center collaborated with our architect to how children learn a put it into a physical manifestation in our
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exhibit. >> construction set to happen during the next year and a half. the first of five exhibits open in september. my kids love those discoveries, a lot of fun. coming up on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> she ends up with unwanted users on her mobile phone account. she calls us to get it straightened out. i'm consumer investigators chris chmu chmura. nbc bay area responds. next. happening now animal rights activists are cheering on a new proposal to make some california racetracks change. whips might be banned from santa anita in los angeles, golden gate field right here in the bay area. a majority of jockeys are against the proposal. hit-and-run died and it was shut down for racing. the whip was not connected to any of the horses deaths we
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might add. that all important forecast at 4:51.
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the things that matter most happen one morning and one cup at a time. welcome back, everyone. it's 4:54. nbc bay area responds to a san jose woman's mess with a smartphone. >> investigative reporter or investigative consumer reporter chris chmura is here to give usa lesson to learn from all of her headaches. >> good morning. let's talk about martha coke. she asked us tops settle a dispute with sprint. she wound up with one of her daughter's friends on the account without her knowledge or permission. that extra phone line racked up
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charges she said she simply couldn't afford. martha said she tried to unwind it all but spent seven months getting nowhere. ultimately she was facing collections. our team stepped in to sort the it out. spript gave martha a refund of $437 and said, "we strive to provide our customers with the best possible products and service. and when sprint fails to meet their expectations, it's important for us to know." if you're hung up ott on a problem you can't solve yourself, call us 888-996-tips or online at >> thanks, chris. if you think your office is nice, take a look at this. a chinese tech company shelling out a billion and a half to build this complex. it's based on a dozen different european destinations. the complex is designed to provide office space and homes for 30,000 workers. it's currently being used to research and develop 5g
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technology. the company's founder said he dreamed of having creative casual offices like google's or facebook's. we should add that's all in china. >> nice for moral. >> pretty nice. >> 4:56 right now. meteorologist kari hall is keeping us on tap with the weather today. >> we're excited about a's home opener today. it looks like we'll see a mix of sun and clouds. slight chance of rain. we'll hope the weather holds up for that. we'll talk about what's going on now and a look at storm ranger coming up next. >> not far, right across the street, the camera shows slowing towards high street. they are moving slowly. we'll talk about what's going on there and whether or not there's any hope in the near future.
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i'm an ice cruncher. so i was excited about all-new colgate total. it has sensitivity relief, so i don't have to give up doing what i love. aren't we lucky. new colgate total. do more for your whole mouth. has been making folks feel right at home, with meals like homestyle country fried steak, grandma's sampler, and our signature chicken n' dumplins. so, come on home to what you love. come on home to cracker barrel.
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so, come on home to what you love. wihefty! hefty! hefty!n. hey ladies... buy hefty® ultra strong™ at a low price. dada! i wish... get hefty® ultra strong™ costs less than glad® forceflex where sold head to head. i just want respect for all women. >> the woman accusing players and coaches speaking out. the reason she's coming forward with her accusations. >> plus comey's take, the former fbi director fired by president trump says he has questions about the mueller report. we're live on capitol hill this morning with what he's saying only to nbc news. to slice or not to slice. social media buzzing this morning. this is after one man's post on a sliced bagel goes viral.
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ye yeah. was it a bagel blunder? we'll talk about that right now. >> we'll talk about it right now. >> not yet. >> good morning to you. >> thanks for joining us this morning, i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. let's get a look at the forecast right now. >> yeah, as you're making your breakfast and slicing bagels, we'll see rain going through. make sure you're brewing that coffee and heading out the door because some of us will have to deal with a wet commute. a look at storm ranger and where the heavy rain is pouring over solano county. you'll have to deal with that for the next 20 or 30 minutes. it's starting to pick up around parts of the peninsula, 280, redwood city, portola valley, also some heavy rain. if you're heading out the door to the b.a.r.t. station, mostly dry but rain chances remain in
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the forecast throughout the day. i'll have more on that in a few minutes. mike has been tracking wet roads and a commute. >> right now the issue through oakland, we show you traffic backing up past high street. it's condensed approaching high street, then things let up. you see flashing lights around the bay. there's an overnight road crew. this area, coliseum, better view here jams up towards high street. just passed there things are starting to clear up. focus as it clears. nimitz 580 clears. diablo, vallejo, the next 20 minutes as kari said. so far slow and go. thanks, mike. only on nbc, the woman accusing cal football players as well as the staff of sexual harassment is taking her name to national tv. "today in the bay" kris sanchez getting more information on this. kris, talk to us about why the young girl


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